Skull Proportion
Diagrammatic Representation of the
masc/fem proportions of the skull.
A masculine skull is defined by a softer turn of the chin; shallower sloped forehead and protruding superciliary arches. Masculinity also attributes with a sharper angle to the jaw.
Labelled Diagrammatic Representation of the proportions of the skull.
Created before any significant analysis into the intricacies of proporting the head there are many issues, most significant of which in my opinion is the overall size of the face overtaking the front of the skull with its comically large skull. However, I think a good foundation from which to start.
ZedBrush Head
Nasel Proportion
Labelled Diagrammatic Representation of the proportions of the nose.
Z-Brush Sculpture - NOSE
(Peter Capaldi)
The second week using Z-Brush the challenge was to focus on creating the best nose we could. After encouragement to find reference, I went to one of my favorite noses, Peter Capaldi's. He has an abrupt transition from bone to cartilage creating an indented arch topping the structure. I also paid attention to his nostrils, noticing a lack of alar fat. this creates very narrow high-strung nostrils which you can see into face-on. Other details are the indent on the tip of his nose, the flattened bridge, and triangles formed under the lateral cartilage.
Oral Proportion
Labelled Diagrammatic Representation of the proportions of the mouth.
Z-Brush Sculpture - MOUTH
(David Tennant)
Week 3 mouth. Having chosen to use David Tennant's mouth as my reference for this week, I ran into some unintended complications. His mouth is actually quite undefined with a thin layer of fat making detail quite subtle. Although challenging this was an opportunity to pay much closer attention. His lips are very thin with little to no structural border to his labium. He also has very short marionette lines at the corners of his mouth. his chin has a deep mental crease making his protuberance quite severe.
Aural Proportion
Labelled Diagrammatic Representation of the proportions of the ear.
Z-Brush Sculpture - EAR
Week 4. The ear being the most difficult feature, I decided not to go for any specific likeness and just focus on making clear features of the structure and composition. The most difficulty had was with the over shape and how it sits of the head. Still not quite convinced, on future tries, I need to focus on the slope downward towards the side of the head. I also found the ear was rugged and seemed aged. I want to attempt replicating a younger smoother feature.
Visual Proportion
Labelled Diagrammatic Representation of the proportions of the eye.
Z-Brush Sculpture - EYE (Peter Cushing)
Week 5 I chose Peter Cushing as my subject to recreate. Every detail is exaggerated by his age and the looseness of his skin. I chose him, knowing, that in the original Star Wars there was lots of profile reference and I particularly pleased with how the eye interacts with the side of his nose.